Find the Best Package for You!

Our Pricing and Packages for:

Runtime: 12 Months

Gold - $1800

Startup Price: $900
  • These prices are exclusive of local taxes and are subject to change without notice.

  • Always at the Top: NO
  • Featured Ad: NO
  • Max. Photos in Profile: 15
  • Max. Videos in Profile: 3
  • Contact Details Shown: YES
  • Homepage Link: YES
  • Own Admin Access: YES
  • Advertisement Change Free of Charge: YES
  • Advertisement appears in 1 Category
  • Support: Basic Support
  • Blogs About You: 0
  • Social Media Story: 0
  • Social Media Posts: 0

Featured Premium - $2280

Startup Price: $1140
  • These prices are exclusive of local taxes and are subject to change without notice.

  • Always at the Top: NO
  • Featured Ad: YES
  • Max. Photos in Profile: 15
  • Max. Videos in Profile: 3
  • Contact Details Shown: YES
  • Homepage Link: YES
  • Own Admin Access: YES
  • Advertisement Change Free of Charge: YES
  • Advertisement appears in 2 Category
  • Support: Best Support
  • Blogs About You: 1/Month
  • Social Media Story: 1/Month
  • Social Media Posts: 1/Month

Top Premium - $2760

Startup Price: $1380
  • These prices are exclusive of local taxes and are subject to change without notice.

  • Always at the Top: YES
  • Featured Ad: NO
  • Max. Photos in Profile: 15
  • Max. Videos in Profile: 3
  • Contact Details Shown: YES
  • Homepage Link: YES
  • Own Admin Access: YES
  • Advertisement Change Free of Charge: YES
  • Advertisement appears in 3 Category
  • Support: Unlimited Support
  • Blogs About You: 2/Month
  • Social Media Story: 2/Month
  • Social Media Posts: 2/Month

Runtime: 6 Months

Gold - $1200

Startup Price: $600
  • These prices are exclusive of local taxes and are subject to change without notice.

  • Always at the Top: NO
  • Featured Ad: NO
  • Max. Photos in Profile: 15
  • Max. Videos in Profile: 3
  • Contact Details Shown: YES
  • Homepage Link: YES
  • Own Admin Access: YES
  • Advertisement Change Free of Charge: YES
  • Advertisement appears in 1 Category
  • Support: Basic Support
  • Blogs About You: 0
  • Social Media Story: 0
  • Social Media Posts: 0

Featured Premium - $1500

Startup Price: $750
  • These prices are exclusive of local taxes and are subject to change without notice.

  • Always at the Top: NO
  • Featured Ad: YES
  • Max. Photos in Profile: 15
  • Max. Videos in Profile: 3
  • Contact Details Shown: YES
  • Homepage Link: YES
  • Own Admin Access: YES
  • Advertisement Change Free of Charge: YES
  • Advertisement appears in 2 Category
  • Support: Best Support
  • Blogs About You: 1/Month
  • Social Media Story: 1/Month
  • Social Media Posts: 1/Month

Top Premium - $1800

Startup Price: $900
  • These prices are exclusive of local taxes and are subject to change without notice.

  • Always at the Top: YES
  • Featured Ad: NO
  • Max. Photos in Profile: 15
  • Max. Videos in Profile: 3
  • Contact Details Shown: YES
  • Homepage Link: YES
  • Own Admin Access: YES
  • Advertisement Change Free of Charge: YES
  • Advertisement appears in 3 Category
  • Support: Unlimited Support
  • Blogs About You: 2/Month
  • Social Media Story: 2/Month
  • Social Media Posts: 2/Month

Runtime: 3 Months

Gold - $750

Startup Price: $375
  • These prices are exclusive of local taxes and are subject to change without notice.

  • Always at the Top: NO
  • Featured Ad: NO
  • Max. Photos in Profile: 15
  • Max. Videos in Profile: 3
  • Contact Details Shown: YES
  • Homepage Link: YES
  • Own Admin Access: YES
  • Advertisement Change Free of Charge: YES
  • Advertisement appears in 1 Category
  • Support: Basic Support
  • Blogs About You: 0
  • Social Media Story: 0
  • Social Media Posts: 0

Featured Premium - $975

Startup Price: $487.5
  • These prices are exclusive of local taxes and are subject to change without notice.

  • Always at the Top: NO
  • Featured Ad: YES
  • Max. Photos in Profile: 15
  • Max. Videos in Profile: 3
  • Contact Details Shown: YES
  • Homepage Link: YES
  • Own Admin Access: YES
  • Advertisement Change Free of Charge: YES
  • Advertisement appears in 2 Category
  • Support: Best Support
  • Blogs About You: 1/Month
  • Social Media Story: 1/Month
  • Social Media Posts: 1/Month

Top Premium - $1170

Startup Price: $585
  • These prices are exclusive of local taxes and are subject to change without notice.

  • Always at the Top: YES
  • Featured Ad: NO
  • Max. Photos in Profile: 15
  • Max. Videos in Profile: 3
  • Contact Details Shown: YES
  • Homepage Link: YES
  • Own Admin Access: YES
  • Advertisement Change Free of Charge: YES
  • Advertisement appears in 3 Category
  • Support: Unlimited Support
  • Blogs About You: 2/Month
  • Social Media Story: 2/Month
  • Social Media Posts: 2/Month


Featured ad: is a special type of ad designed to provide greater visibility compared to other advertisements. These ads can effectively increase the number of clicks and interest in the given service.

Top ad: is a type of ad that appears at the top of the list on all advertisement, category, and location pages. A special background color distinguishes it from standard advertisements, making it more prominent and easier for visitors to notice.

Bump up: The “Bump up” feature allows you to “refresh” an old advertisement. With the “Bump up” setting, the posting time of the ad is updated, and the ad receives a “New” label. This moves the ad to the top of the page, directly after the “Top” advertisements. The “Bump up” settings is valid for 7 days.